
Using Creative Tools to Motor Plan

Using Creative Tools to Motor Plan

Posted by Deanna Macioce, MS, OTR/L on Jul 6th 2021

When we think about child development, we often don’t put a lot of emphasis on motor planning. However, this is a key component to development. Motor planning is a person’s ability to conceive, p … read more
Keep Swimming

Keep Swimming

Posted by ​Deanna Macioce, MS, OTR/L on Mar 5th 2021

It goes without saying that all of our lives were affected and changed in 2020. We were all battling the same storm but in different boats, many trying to figure out how to work, learn and live in … read more
Telehealth: The Revolution of Therapy

Telehealth: The Revolution of Therapy

Posted by Jessica K. Lynn Hatfield, MS, OTR/L, SIPT, CKTP on Apr 14th 2020

The current circumstances in our communities, states and globally have called for us to revolutionize the way we provide therapy. It is uncertain exactly how long these circumstances will last. We … read more
Creating Lifetime Problem Solvers

Creating Lifetime Problem Solvers

Posted by ​Deanna Macioce, MS, OTR/L on Dec 3rd 2019

Have you ever wondered if we are really teaching our children the right things? I am not talking just about academics, but life too. As I look across the span of my children and their friends, I am … read more