Our ladders and climbers are a great way for clients to work on bilateral coordination, motor planning, balance, gravitational insecurity and upper extremity strengthening.
Southpaw ladders are made with soft poly ropes supporting the 1.25"dia. hardwood rungs - just right for small hands. The Ladder Wall requires a two-point suspension system. Special ladder heights are available on request.
CAUTION: The best safety precaution is choosing appropriate activities and closely supervising your client during each therapy session.
17"W x 90"H (Tower Ladder)
48"W x 90"H (Ladder Wall)
Our ladders and climbers are a great way for clients to work on bilateral coordination, motor planning, balance, gravitational insecurity and upper extremity strengthening.
Southpaw ladders are made with soft poly ropes supporting the 1.25"dia. hardwood rungs - just right for small hands. The Ladder Wall requires a two-point suspension system. Special ladder heights are available on request.
CAUTION: The best safety precaution is choosing appropriate activities and closely supervising your client during each therapy session.
17"W x 90"H (Tower Ladder)
48"W x 90"H (Ladder Wall)