Rainbow Bucket Swing by Southpaw

$704.00 - $1,046.00

This swing is a fun, ideal way to provide smaller individuals with vestibular input. The bucket design allows children a place to sit with some support, while the LYCRA® fabric bottom gives them a soft feeling with resistance. Fill the bucket with balls or other small toys for a variety of therapeutic activities.

The Deluxe Rainbow Kit (#420175) contains the frame for the swing as well as the covers for both the Rainbow Bucket Swing and the Rainbow Platform Swing (also available by itself here).

Item Number: WG0151

This swing is a fun, ideal way to provide smaller individuals with vestibular input. The bucket design allows children a place to sit with some support, while the LYCRA® fabric bottom gives them a soft feeling with resistance. Fill the bucket with balls or other small toys for a variety of therapeutic activities.

The Deluxe Rainbow Kit (#420175) contains the frame for the swing as well as the covers for both the Rainbow Bucket Swing and the Rainbow Platform Swing (also available by itself here).

Item Number: WG0151


  • Rainbow Bucket Swing

  • Deluxe Rainbow Kit (Frame with Rainbow Platform and Bucket Swing Covers)
