Soft Shell Helmet

Our lightest helmet averages 8 oz. and is fully ventilated. Constructed from .5"D (thick) shock-absorbing foam that retains compression resistance. The helmet can be hand washed with warm soapy water. It is vinyl coated with Fabricoat to ensure there is no bacteria buildup. Please use chart for measuring.
Circ. RangeOccipitalEar to Ear
Infant16.25" - 17" 11.5" 8.25"
XXS17.5"  -  18.25" 12.75" 9.5"
XS 19"    -   19.75" 13.75" 9.5"
Small 20.75" -  21.5" 14.5" 10.5"
Medium21.5"  -  22.25" 15.25" 11"
Large23"  -   23.75" 16.5" 12"
XL24"  -  24.75" 17.5" 13"
XXL 25.5"  -  6.25" 18.5" 13.75"
Item Number: 5578
Our lightest helmet averages 8 oz. and is fully ventilated. Constructed from .5"D (thick) shock-absorbing foam that retains compression resistance. The helmet can be hand washed with warm soapy water. It is vinyl coated with Fabricoat to ensure there is no bacteria buildup. Please use chart for measuring.
Circ. RangeOccipitalEar to Ear
Infant16.25" - 17" 11.5" 8.25"
XXS17.5"  -  18.25" 12.75" 9.5"
XS 19"    -   19.75" 13.75" 9.5"
Small 20.75" -  21.5" 14.5" 10.5"
Medium21.5"  -  22.25" 15.25" 11"
Large23"  -   23.75" 16.5" 12"
XL24"  -  24.75" 17.5" 13"
XXL 25.5"  -  6.25" 18.5" 13.75"
Item Number: 5578